3 reasons why you need a website

Every business/entrepreneur/author needs a professional-looking website and I’m not saying this because creating them is my livelihood. If you’ve ever second guessed whether you need a website, here are four reasons why you do:

  1. Builds trust. Whether we actively think about it or not, a website signals that someone is serious about their business. It enhances their legitimacy and provides potential clients with the relevant information needed in order to make a decision about whether or not to patronize them. If you’re anything like me, then you probably don’t eat at restaurants that don’t have an online menu or work with a professional service without a digital portfolio.

  2. Findability. We live in a vast world now where competition for eyeballs and dollars is fierce. If you don’t have a website, it’s like you don’t exist. This may be the most obvious point I’m making and I think it’s worth stating. You want to be the bookstore that people find when they’re coming to town, the mosquito control company folks call to stay itch free, or the trainer at the top of the list when someone gets a puppy. Almost half of internet users turn to search engines every day and this is likely how they find you.

  3. Required for funding. If you’re a non-profit or are seeking 501(c)(3) status, a website is vital to your ability to apply for grants and other funding opportunities. I’ve spoken with many people who don’t know this, so even if your website it brief, it’s important .

To learn more about my website services, click here.


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