3 hurdles to overcome for a winning website

With over 7 years of experience working with entrepreneurs, businesses of varying sizes and stages, and creatives, I’ve heard everything. I am so passionate about what I do, which is why I’m not interested in changing people’s minds when it comes to whether or not they feel they need a professionally-designed website. What I am here to do is set my clients up for longterm success through the right website and branding. That’s why as soon as someone tells me one of the following sentiments, I know that they’re not actually serious about their business. Wow, that was really hard to say., but it’s something I feel in my gut. Here are three of the most common mental blocks that I’ve seen professionals have when it comes to the big web site question: 

  1. “It’s too expensive.” As a small business owner myself, I know that I’m often weighing the cost of engaging with a service. Is this booking platform worth it? How much will it streamline my process? And what is that worth to me? Believe me, I get it. That said, I have also learned that there are some things that you just have to pony up for, and a website is one of them. I firmly believe in investing in your passion and that in having a professional build a website for you, you are legitimizing yourself.

    I would also like to say that I understand sticker shock. Certain things can feel beyond your budget. But that doesn’t delegitimize the need for them altogether.

  1. “I can do it myself.” If you could, then we probably wouldn’t be having this conversation. One very important lesson I would like to impart on business owners is that you simply shouldn’t do everything yourself. I know that sometimes it feels like you have to, but learning the art of delegation can be vital to your future success. Know when to ask for help and when something isn’t in your knowledge base, or if you simply don’t have the time to do it. Something I also think needs reminding is that being a therapist or a dog trainer or a lawyer does not make you a web designer. Just as you wouldn’t endorse TikTok as therapy to your patients or internet “experts” for how to work with a reactive dog, the same holds true for hacking your way through building a website.

  2. “My clients are all word of mouth.” I’ve heard this line time and time again, and from some pretty surprising people. The logic, as I’ve understood it, is that if the majority of someone’s clients appear due to word of mouth, then it really doesn’t matter what their website looks like because it’s not what’s driving traffic. And I couldn’t disagree more. Being in business means, at the bare minimum, having the facade of being put together. You likely wouldn’t show up to a really important meeting looking disheveled in your pajamas without brushing your teeth, would you?

    I want you to think of your website the exact same way. Really look at it. What does your website say to you? What do you think it signals to other people? As we discussed in my previous blog post, websites are there to set you apart from the competition, to establish you as a professional. And that can’t happen if it lacks cohesive branding, broken links, or anything of the link. Let your website be an asset to your business and showcase all of the work you do!

If you want to win with your website, take a look at my web services here.


3 reasons why you need a website